What Influences a Person to Begin Reading?

Spiderman sitting at an open brick arc window and reading a book Reading Time: < 1 minute
Fiction Writer Interview – Question 3

Happy Wednesday to you all!

Hope reading and writing are giving you joy, peace, and satisfaction.

Writing is a passion that fills the empty spaces in life. Plenty of those.

This is the third question from my interview with Ms. Riya Yadav.

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Can Fiction Be Reality?

A woman with a painted face holding a glowing sabre Reading Time: < 1 minute
Fiction Writer Interview – Question 2

Happy Saturday to you all!

Hope reading and writing are giving you joy, peace, and satisfaction.

Writing is a passion that fills up the empty spaces in life. Plenty of those.

This is the second question from my interview with Ms. Riya Yadav.

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What Inspires A Writer To Start Writing?

A sparkly glitter background with a torn piece of paper with dream written on it Reading Time: < 1 minute
Fiction Writer Interview – Question 1

Hello everyone! Hope all’s well this Saturday.

The weather’s turning around and I’m relieved that spring is sneaking in.

Writers love to write and also talk about writing. I know I do! Can’t stop once I start.

I had the pleasure of talking to Ms. Riya Yadav, a young poetess who also creates podcasts.

Check out her work on Instagram @realitybyriya.

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The Three P’s of Writing – Kool Stories

An old battered black diary that has the words - Things I wanted to say But never did - written on its cover Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all well and taking life as it comes.

Is there really any other choice?

Inspiration is here, there, and everywhere.

Writing is a craft that requires much of it. Creating something from nothing is a hard task.

I’d like to share with you a video I created for Kool Stories – The Three P’s of Writing. They are a knowledge-sharing platform promoting diverse skill sets, hence connecting learners and trained professionals through specially curated content.

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How I Reincarnate as a Writer – One Story at a Time

An abstract black and white image of a woman with a shaved head, her upper half face blurred Reading Time: 6 minutes

Hello! Good to have you here!

It’s been some time since I’ve written about my writing eccentricities. My personal ones are as colorful, but I’ll save them for another day. They’re definitely not going anywhere.

Writing fiction is not just building a plot with characters. It’s getting under the skin of the story, fusing oneself with the elements, surrendering to the powerful current of thoughts and emotions.

A story has been compared to the human anatomy.

Plot is the bones, characters are the muscles, and prose is the flesh.

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5 Reasons I Write more and Talk less


Reading Time: 4 minutes

How many of you write for a living?
How many of you write to fulfill a deep passion?
How many of you write for fun?
How many of you don’t write at all?
Have I pretty much covered a major percentage of the population?

I write professionally…so that makes me a writer…and I also write because…I’m not much of a talker. Keep on Reading!

10 Commandments of CREATIVITY that Make SENSE!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Every person on this planet was born to be creative. Yes! Even your dull cousin Jake has some creativity in him.

Creativity is the ability to put our imaginations to use to create something. What is that something? Is it a definable entity? Or does it depend upon how we put to use the 10 commandments of creativity.

Let’s breeze through the 10 commandments of creativity to discover our underrated creative sides. Keep on Reading!

The Higher Purpose of Creative Writing

purpose of creative writing

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Without purpose mankind is lost.

All creations were born from the womb of purpose. Creative writing is a creative art whose purpose is not bound to any set parameters. Let’s try to understand the purpose of creative writing. Keep on Reading!

Cooking up a GOOD STORY is not everyone’s Cup of Tea

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Hello there!

Welcome to today’s GOOD STORY cooking lesson!

Why are you chopping those carrots?! What’s with those string beans?

OH MY GOD!!! Wake up, people!!!

This isn’t that type of cooking lesson! I’m not inviting anyone to Sunday brunch!

We’re not roasting a chicken, or baking an apple pie! Keep on Reading!

Is your WRITING turning you into an INTROVERT?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Have any of you had this wake-up call?

No honey, I’m not talking about the call you received at 7am to wake up. I’m talking about the profound realization that your writing is actually turning you into an introvert.

And if you haven’t thought about this yet, then there are probably two reasons for it. Keep on Reading!